Daylight Signaling Lamp
Daylight Signalling Lamp
Aldis lamp
Model: CXD8
Rated Voltage: 24V
Power of Illuminant: 60W
Type of Luminaire: Tungsten Halogen Lamp
Visibility Distance(Daylight): 2nm
Luminous Intensity: 60,000cd
Degree of Protection of Enclosure: IP44
Certificate: CCS
Daylight Signaling Lamp,also called Aldis lamp, Installation required by SOLAS regulations Chapter V which reads as follows: “all ships of over 150 tons gross tonnage, when engaged on international voyages, shall have on board an efficient daylight signalling lamp which shall not be solely dependent upon the ship’s main source of electrical power.”
Approval Standard:
1. Resolution MSC.95(72) Annex, Recommendation on Performance Standard for Daylight Signalling Lamp.
2. ISO 25861:2007 Ships and Marine Technology–Navigation–Daylight Signalling Lamp
3. IEC60945:2002, Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment and Systems–General Requirements–Methods of Testing and Required Test Results.