SOLAS regulation III/20 requires that all Life-saving Appliances shall be in working order and ready for immediate use before the ship leaves port and at all times during the voyage. Lifeboats, launching appliances and release gear are required by SOLAS regulation III/20 to be inspected weekly and monthly according to the instructions for on-board maintenance complying with the requirements of SOLAS regulation III/36. Also, MSC.1/Circ.1206 describes more detailed procedures for periodic servicing and maintenance of lifeboats, launching appliances and release gear.
This manual includes only the weekly and monthly inspection and maintenance, which are conducted on board under the direct supervision of a senior ship’s officer.
Inspection and maintenance plan
Lifeboats should be inspected and maintained weekly and monthly in accordance with the following tables. The tables list the items to checked, the method of inspection, the procedures to be followed, and the frequency at which the items are to be attended to.
Table covers the basic lifeboat (including release gear).

Table covers the lifeboat engine. Table covers the electric parts.

Table covers the lifeboat equipment.