Every life raft shall be so constructed as to be capable of withstanding exposure for 30 days afloat in all sea conditions.
The liferaft shall be so constructed that when it is dropped into the water from a height of 18 m, the liferaft and its equipment will operate satisfactorily. If the lifetaft is to be stowed at a height of more than 18 m above the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition, it shall be of a type which has been satisfactorily drop-tested from at least that height.
The floating liferaft shall be capable of withstanding repeated jumps on to it from a height of at least 4.5m above its floor both with and without the canopy erected.
The liferaft and its fittings shall be so constructed as to enable it to be towed at a speed of 3 knots in calm water when loaded with its tull complement of persons and equipment and with one of its se-anchors streamed.
Davit-launched life raft
Every passenger ship davit-launched liferaft shall be so arranged by its full complement of persons.
Every cargo ship davit-launched liferaft shall be so arranged that it can be boarded by its full complement of persons on not more than 3 min from the time the instruction to board is given.
The main buoyancy chamber shall be divided into not less two separate compartments, each inflated through a nonreturn inflation valve on each compartment. The buoyancy chambers shall be so arranged that, in the event of any one compartment being damaged or failing to inflate, the intact compartments shall be able to support, with positive freeboard over the lifleraft’s entire periphery, the unmber of persons which the liferaft is permitted to accommodate, each having a mass of 75kg and seated in their normal positions.
The liferafe shall be capable of being inflated by one person. The liferaft shall be inflated with a non-toxic gas. Inflation shall be completed within a period of 1min at an ambient temperature of-30oC. After inflation the liferaft shall maintain its form when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.
Each inflatable compartment shall be capable of withstanding a pressure equal to at least 3 times the working pressure and shall be prevented from reaching a pressure exceeding twice the working pressure either by means of relief valves or by a limited gas supply. Means shall be provided for manintaining the working pressure
Rigid life rafts
The life raft shall be marked with:
name and port of registry of the ship to which it belongs;