The Marine sextant purpose is to measure angles, either vertical or horizontal to obtain the necessary data to check the vessels position. Latitude and longitude […]
HRU, full name Hydrostatic Release Unit , is an extension of the securing lashings over the inflatable life raft. The lashing itself must incorporate a senhouse slip to […]
Lifeboat survival equipment (Accessory) List. 1.Sufficient buoyant oars to make headway in calm seas. Thole pins, crutches or equivalent arrangement shall be provided for each […]
The 1983 amendments to the SOLAS convention of 1974 requires: 1.All Lifeboats shall be properly constructed and have ample stability in a seaway with sufficient […]
The mariner’s attention is drawn to the following guidelines for launching Davit Launched Life Rafts. The text should only be accepted in a general form […]
Every Davit Launched Life Raft shall comply with the general requirements regarding life rafts, and in addition, Davit launched rafts shall be used with an […]
Life Raft Survival Kit (Equipment), also known as life raft accessories, it’s the most important marine survival equipment for life raft. Most of survival equipment […]
Thermal Protective Aid (TPA) is designed to aid survival in lifeboats and liferafts, and in other situations where life is threatened by loss of body […]